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In This Issue
Letter from
the Editor
Isn't it amazing that a custom that originated in the late 19th century, is as relevant and celebrated today as it was back then? Though the size of the gifts and parties has changed over the years, one thing remains the same... the best bridal showers are those that create fond memories a bride and her guests will cherish for years to come. The ideas in this edition will help you plan and host a memorable shower with personalized touches and flair.
Featured Stories
Perfect Games for Blushing Brides
No wedding shower is complete without bridal shower games,
but choosing the right ones is not always an easy task.
Get Organized!
Hosting a bridal shower? Make your job easier with a bridal shower checklist that will help you stay organized.
Homemade Favors
Add a unique and personal touch, with homemade bridal shower favors that will impress guests with your thoughtfulness.
Party Fun Magazine is our bi-monthly digital glossy on putting on a great party. If you enjoy organizing fun parties every once in a while, you can get loads of ideas from it.
Each issue has a theme, like Easter, Christmas, Halloween, baby showers, or bridal showers. Timed perfectly for your next party, to get you in the mood. After all, anticipation is half the fun!
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