Printable Charade Cards that spell

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Printable Love Charades Game

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*** Party Tested ***

For your valentine party or bridal shower, we've come up with Love Charades.

With lovely looking printable charade cards, your guest are challenged to act out funny love nicknames, relationship advice, and more.

How it's played

Players play individually, or in teams. Taking rounds, a player is presented with a random card.


An alternative version is called Pictionary. Your players then draw a picture that explains the meaning.

There are 5 categories, each with 21 cards:

  • Romantic Nicknames
  • What Lovers Do and Share
  • What Women Like
  • What Men Like
  • Relationship Advice

The category is called, and the player acts out the phrase, often by miming similar-sounding words, and the other players guess the word or phrase.

Points are awarded to the player that guesses the phrase exactly.

This is the basic gameplay of this well-known game. If you need more information on how this game can be played, please check out Wikipedia's explanation.

Preparations are easy

Print the game (we recommend using cardstock paper) and cut into cards (cutlines are marked in grey). For even more professional results, you could choose to send the file to a local printer, who can also do the cutting for you.

Buy Now  Price: $5.99

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We are commited to your party's success. So, if the game turns out to be a "party pooper", contact us and we'll exchange it with another game of your choice, or refund your purchase (more...)

Party tested, great looking & easy to play games. Immediate download of PDF file, print it whenever you need, with minimal preparation.


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