Choosing fun summer party themes can add
excitement to even the most casual gatherings.
Cool Summer Party Ideas
Flip-Flops &
Summer Fun
ummer is a time to take a break from sophisticated dinner parties and black tie galas. It's the season of flip-flops, sunshine, and coolers full of cold drinks waiting to be shared with family and friends. It's a time to slow down the pace and relax a little, so if you are planning a warm weather event, the key is to keep it casual and informal.
But, simple does not have to be boring. With a little imagination you can put together a summer party that is both fun and interesting.
No summer is complete without at least one cookout. Pull together some sandwich fixings, open a few bags of potato chips, cook a big pot of corn-on-the-cob, and don't forget the s'mores!
You may want to ask someone to bring a guitar, tell some scary (or funny) campfire stories, or play glow-in-the-dark games. Set up a few tents and extend your party by turning your cookout into a camping sleepover. Breakfast will be eggs and coffee – cooked over the fire, of course!
Whether a romantic spread under the stars or a family lunch at a local park, summer is synonymous with picnics.
So, choose a favorite location, or simply use your backyard, and invite friends to gather for a relaxing afternoon of picnicking fun. Make invitations by tying paper tags with the party details to mini picnic baskets filled with candy, purchase inexpensive tablecloths or blankets to spread on the ground, and use matching disposable dishes to complete the look.
Whether you serve the meal as a buffet or from individual baskets placed on each blanket, guests will be sure to enjoy a relaxing day of friendship and food.